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601 Walnut Street, Suite L-90, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-238-1622

Graves Derma Care

Meet Dr. Graves of Graves Derma Care

Skin Treatments

Image of woman with acneAcne

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting not only the face, but also the chest, neck, back and buttocks as well. It can cause emotional distress and lead to permanent scarring. Fortunately, there are many general dermatology treatment options available.

There are four major factors that are responsible for causing acne. Overactive oil glands, activity of normal skin bacteria, inflammation and blockage of skin pores all act together to produce acne. Acne involves not only pimples, but whiteheads and blackheads as well.

Teens are not the only ones who face acne. Graves Derma Care PC carries the knowledge and expertise to provide both teen and adult acne treatment. In addition to causing permanent acne scarring or dark spots, we understand that acne can lead to low self-esteem and even depression in teens and adults. Through our access to a wide range of services at Graves Derma Care PC, we can find solutions to clear your unwanted acne. It may be as simple as a prescription for a daily facial cleanser or getting a chemical peel to improve your mild acne. For more severe teen or adult acne, we offer state-of-the-art Laser Treatment or monitored acne treatment. Whatever your treatment plan is for your acne concerns, we are here to help you with our strong experience and advanced technology options.

For the most advanced and tailored solutions for your acne treatment, come to Graves Derma PC. Our full-service practice can provide you the most advantageous treatment for your acne condition with the highest quality care and patient satisfaction.

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